6051 |
Breeding Soundness Evaluation of Bulls Used for Artificial Insemination N Bangladesh. |
G. J. U. Ahmed
Department of Surgery and Obstetrics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
6052 |
Effect of Green Manuring with Sesbania Rostrata in Presence of Urea-n on Transplant Aman Rice |
M.S.U. Bhuiya
Farming Systems and Environmental Studies Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh |
31-07-1992 |
30-11-1992 |
6053 |
Potash and Sulphur Fertilizer Influencing Insect Infestation on Onion |
M. Ahmad
Department of Entomology
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. |
30-11-1988 |
30-04-1989 |
6054 |
Nature and Extent of Capital Requirements of Landless Households: a Cash Flow Analysis |
M. F. Alam
Department of Agricultural Finance, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. |
31-03-1985 |
31-03-1986 |
6055 |
Field Performance of a Tractor Mounted Boom Sprayer |
M . D. Hussain
Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
6056 |
Improved Method of Drying Fish Using Solar Drier |
M.A. Zaman
Department of Farm Power and Machinery Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh |
01-05-1982 |
31-05-1982 |
6057 |
Farmers' Awareness Regarding Issues Affecting Farming Environment |
M.A. Momen Miah
Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
Bangladesh |
31-12-1994 |
01-01-1970 |
6058 |
Prey-predator Relationships Among Mustard Aphid and Their Predators |
A. B . Khan
Department of Entomology Banglll'desh Agricultural University, Mymenslngh 2202. Bangladesh. |
6059 |
Effect of Steam Heating on the Digestibility of Crude Protein of Fibrous Feed by Sheep |
D.R. Dey Sarker
Department of General Animal Science Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh |
30-11-1994 |
30-11-1994 |
6060 |
Effect of Quantum of Feeding on the Rearing of Eri-silkworm, Philosmia Ricini Hutt. |
S, B. Huq
Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
6061 |
Effect of Cement Mixing on Soil Infiltration |
A. S. M. A. Awal
Department of Agril. Engineering and Basic Engineering, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
6062 |
Pre-planting Cold Treatment Effects on the Growth and Development of Garlic (allium Sativum L.) |
M.S. Haque
Department of Crop Botany Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. |
30-11-1987 |
30-11-1988 |
6063 |
Carcass Weight and Gut Contents of Bull Calves Fed Urea Treated Rice Straw and Fish Meal |
M. Saadullah
Department of General Animal Science Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh-2202Bangladesh |
01-02-1993 |
31-05-1993 |
6064 |
Effect of Larval Population Densities of Silk Worm on Larval and Cocoon Characteristics |
Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202 |
01-03-1987 |
30-04-1987 |
6065 |
Moisture Density Test for the Construction of Soil Cement Tiles for Lining Irrigation Canals |
A. Khair
Department of Irrigation & Water Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Bangladesh.. |
6066 |
Effect of Different Transplanting Dates on Yield and Yield Contributing Characters of Boro Rice Genotypes |
Md. Amir Hossain Khan Former MS Student Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh |
06-12-2004 |
26-05-2005 |
6067 |
Adoption of Ipm Technology in Vegetables Cultivation in Selected Areas of Bangladesh |
M.A.J. Alponi
Department of Production Economics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202 |
30-11-2001 |
30-11-2002 |
6068 |
Effects of Soil-cum-foliar Nitrogen Applicati on in a Rape Cv. Sonali Sarisha and a Mustard Cv. Shambal |
N. N. Islam
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202,Bangladesh |
20-10-1992 |
20-01-1993 |
6069 |
Study on Tengratila Gas Field Second Blow Out Devastation on Biotic |
M. A. M. Biswas
Department of Environmental Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202 |
26-06-2005 |
20-07-2005 |
6070 |
Serum Transa Minase Activities of Normal and Fasciola Infected Zebu Cattle |
M. M. R ahman
Department of Physiology Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymemlingh-2202, Bangladesh |
31-03-1988 |
28-02-1989 |